Started learning HTML and CSS through freeCodeCamp and Udemy Course
Moving into JS-Land
Found a mentor, started learning Javascript, which led to building a Pokedex app with Vanilla JS
Full-Stack Party
Started learning React, NodeJS, MongoDB and how they all fit together. This was prompted by curiousity and need, as I got a takehome test that required building a full-stack app to manage an employee database
Mission Success
Landed my first job as a full-stack developer with DevAO LLC in Columbus, OH. To date, I've worked on a variety of projects using React, Typescript, ChakraUI, Formik, NodeJS, and even some time with Miva and Shopify for e-commerce.
Into the Great Unknown
I love what I do and I love learning how to do more and do it better. I'm excited to see where this journey takes me and what I can learn along the way. If you want to be a part of the story, contact me!